Thursday, October 22, 2009

Leaked clip of Lil Wayne's "The Carter Doc" documentary

Here is a clip of a scene from Lil Wayne's documentary "The Carter Doc."

The only reason why I am remotely interested in seeing this documentary is largely based off of that whole controversy that happened earlier this year with Wayne filing suit against QD3 Entertainment. Lil Wayne felt that the producers of the documentary added scenes in the film that was not approved byhim or anyone in his camp. Because of that, I want to see what all the fuss is about.

Speaking of Lil Wayne, the rapper is rumored to accept an 8-month bid in jail for his possession of a gun while in New York; he faces 15 years behind bars.

What I find interesting about this is that there is a mandatory (so they say) 3 1/2 years in jail for ANYBODY that is in possession of an illegal weapon in the great state of New York, how did Wayne get 8 months for something that is supposedly set in stone? Either way I hope everything works out for him, it hurts my heart to see rappers live up to stereotypes.

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